SBOL Compliant Software

SBOLCompliantSoftware_collectionVersion 1


Created by:Charles Forbin,Chris Myers
Date created:2020-05-16 04:01:52.352

A collection of software that supports the Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) standard.




Galdzicki, M., Clancy, KP., Oberortner, E., Pocock, M., Quinn, JY., Rodriguez, CA., Roehner, N., Wilson, ML., Adam, L., Anderson, JC., Bartley, BA., Beal, J., Chandran, D., Chen, J., Densmore, D., Endy, D., Grünberg, R., Hallinan, J., Hillson, NJ., Johnson, JD., Kuchinsky, A., Lux, M., Misirli, G., Peccoud, J., Plahar, HA., Sirin, E., Stan, GB., Villalobos, A., Wipat, A., Gennari, JH., Myers, CJ., Sauro, HM., "The Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) provides a community standard for communicating designs in synthetic biology.", Nature biotechnology, 2014, Jun 32(6): 545-50, PMID: 24911500., DOI: 10.1038/nbt.2891.

Roehner, N., Beal, J., Clancy, K., Bartley, B., Misirli, G., Grünberg, R., Oberortner, E., Pocock, M., Bissell, M., Madsen, C., Nguyen, T., Zhang, M., Zhang, Z., Zundel, Z., Densmore, D., Gennari, JH., Wipat, A., Sauro, HM., Myers, CJ., "Sharing Structure and Function in Biological Design with SBOL 2.0.", ACS synthetic biology, 2016, Jun 17; 5(6): 498-506, PMID: 27111421., DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.5b00215.
